Saturday evening treat “Crevettes with salad”

My aim is to focus on healthy food in order to support my body (recovering from treatment and improving my immune system). At the same time I find it important to make sure it’s nice and enjoyable.

I’m trying to buy as fresh as possible from local shops or stall holders at the Totnes market (where we’ve got a stall selling our freshly baked goods as well). But again from my point of view it’s more important it’s tasty with the side effect being good for us as well!

Therefore last weekend I’ve decided to prepare a salad, served with freshly baked baguette and crevettes which I bought from a local fish monger in Ashburton (Fish Deli). Fresh ingredients such as tomatos, onions, spring onions and red pepper have been to basics for my salad:

Followed by sweetcorn and red kidney beans:

Kidney beans are an excellent plant-based source of protein. They are also rich in various minerals, vitamins, fibers, antioxidants, and other unique plant compounds. For this reason, they may be useful as a part of a weight loss diet, while also promoting colon health and moderating blood sugar levels.

Spring onions are an excellent source of vitamin C and calcium. They are also a good source of dietary fibre and vitamins A and B6, thiamine, folate and minerals (potassium, copper, chromium, manganese, iron).
Even without the dressing already inviting…
I’m preparing the dressing whilst the crevettes are “warming up”!

Didn’t manage to take a final picture as I couldn’t resist… I’ll be better next time!